Dear Gordon.........

Friday 5 June 2009

This isn't a great time to be a Labour PPC (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate). At best, most of our friends and colleagues think we are mad. And many others think much worse of us. But we all know what is motivating us to stand, so we do feel a bit like a particular "band of brothers" (and sisters) right now, but a very determined band. Many of us have been talking by phone and email today about how best to show our support for Gordon Brown in these difficult time. Along with many other PPCs, I have tonight signed and sent this letter.

Dear Gordon

As Labour's parliamentary candidates for the next General Election, we wanted to make clear our view on the current political events. Over the last 12 years in Government, and before, you have made an enormous contribution to this country and the Labour Party and this is very widely acknowledged. However what we also recognise that in the current economic crisis, you have been the only party leader with a real plan for how we can help people through these difficult times.

In particular, your work with President Obama and others to bring together the world’s leaders to address collectively the global economic crisis has ensured that Britain – and indeed the world – is better placed to emerge quickly from the current situation. Our constituents need to know that in contrast to the do-nothing Tories, our Labour Government will continue to take the steps necessary to protect our country’s interests.

To this end we are asking you to restate your commitment to continue as our Prime Minister and to remain focused on what really matters to the people of Scotland.

Now is not the time for rocking the boat, now is the time for a steady hand at the wheel of the ship. The actions of a handful of rebels cannot be allowed to derail the economic recovery that you have led. We look forward to working with you in the months ahead as we take our case to the country whenever the General Election is called.

With best wishes

So tomorrow, we will be out on the streets of Nairn. No hiding.


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